October 21, 2024


Its My Destination

Low Budget Travel Tips – Step Down Your Dreams And Enjoy

Low budget travels could be enjoyable provided you make a little bit compromise on your dreams. If you are filthy rich with thousands of extra bucks in your bank, do not read further. Most of us are full of dreams and always short of cash. Fortunately, there are means of enjoying a vacation that fit your tight bank balance. All you need is to go a step down in your dreams.

Travel tips for low budget travels

o Go to a cheap destination

Countries with low cost of living are ideal destinations for low budget travels. Unless you want to boast to your colleagues about your travel, choose a lesser-known destination. There is not much difference in the seashore of Europe and Latin America or Asia or Africa, other than the cost of living. You will get the same relaxation to your body and the same cool breeze. The hotels, transportation, food and beverages are economic in lesser-known destinations.

o Go one-step down for hotels

The other mantra of low budget travels is “do not pay for those things that you do not need to use”. With almost same facilities, a 5-Start hotel will charge twice what a 4-star hotel will charge. Most travelers use hotels for sleeping in night. So there is no point to pay for many facilities such as swimming pool when you do not intend to use them.

o Friendship with localities

Try to be friendly with the local people and you will get travel tips for cheap stuff everywhere. Talk with people about the country and get some cheap travel tips about the room rates and hotels. A taxi driver will guide you to cheapest hotels if you tip him a dollar. However, cheap is not everything, make sure that the location of the hotel and the hotel itself is safe.

o Local travel agent compared to travel agent in US

For low budget travels you can directly deal with travel agents of the country of your destination. Plan your trip with a local travel agent in the destination country. There are many websites offering huge discounts on packages. Local agents have better contacts and they can offer cheaper packages. Most US travel agents are business partners of the local agents offering same packages at higher rates.

o Airline and hotel combo offers

Many airlines are offering free stay at some airports with their tickets. If you have a short trip as if for one week, you can prefer to travel with the offering airlines. Make sure that the airport is not far off from the town; else, you will end up in paying your saved amount on the hotel bill to the taxi drivers.