Celebrate Le Burger Week With A Juicy Hamburger
When: Until September 14
Address: Participating Montreal restaurants
Why You Need To Go: One of the tastiest festivals in the city, Le Burger Week is back and celebrating its 10th edition.
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Get A Burger For Free
Price: Free!
When: September 11 and 12 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. (while supplies last)
Address: Nouveau Palais Winneburger at Jean Talon Market – Allée Verte, 7070, ave. Henri Julien, Montreal, QC
Why You Need To Go: If you really want to get into the Burger Week spirit, this burger joint at Jean-Talon Market is giving them away for free. We say, the more the merrier!
Pick Apples To Mark The Arrival Of Apple Season
Price: Starting at $20 for an 18- to 20-pound bag of fruit and access to activities
When: Every day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Address: Le Verger Petit et Fils -1020, rue de la Montagne, Mont-Saint-Hilaire, QC
Why You Need To Go: Apple-picking season is finally here! This orchard is just 45 minutes from Montreal and it has three giant mazes as well as cider tasting.
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Check Out The Botanical Garden’s Dazzling Lantern Festival
Price: $16.50 for adults, $12.75 for students and $8.25 for children
When: September 3 to October 31 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Address: Montreal Botanical Garden – 4101, rue Sherbrooke E., Montreal, QC
Why You Need To Go: Just in time for fall, the Botanical Garden is bringing you another season of beautiful lanterns to add to the already stunning floral exhibits.
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Find Good Deals At The Frank And Oak Warehouse Sale
When: Now until September 19, 2021
Opening hours: Wednesday to Friday noon to 7 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Address: 160, rue Saint-Viateur E., suite 613, Montreal, QC
Why You Need To Go: Have you had your eye on something at this Montreal clothing brand and retail store? Head over to its famous warehouse sale to stock up on new closet essentials.
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Make Your Way Through This Creepy Corn Maze
Price: $15
When: Fridays starting August 13. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the last departure is at 9 p.m. with the site closing at 11 p.m.
Address: Forget BM Farm – 7901, ave. Marcel-Villeneuve, Laval, QC
Why You Need To Go: Looking for a little scare ahead of the spookiest time of the year? Make your way through this terrifying corn maze one night in Laval — if you dare.
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Order Tartare In What Looks Like An Ice Cream Cone
Address: Fish Bone – 420, rue Notre-Dame O., Montreal, QC
Why You Need To Go: Serving the freshest seafood in the coolest way, this will be your new favourite way to eat the catch-of-the-day.
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Check Out Lambert’s New Flagship Store
When: Officially open on September 10
Address: 5085, rue Saint-Denis, Montreal, QC
Why You Need To Go: The beloved vegan leather bag brand based here in Montreal is opening a new flagship store that’s sure to be as gorgeous as the bags themselves.
See Live Performances At Les Francos Music Festival
When: September 9 to 12
Address: Quartier des Spectacles
Why You Need To Go: It’s all about good music and good vibes this weekend in one of the city’s most exciting neighbourhoods.
Knock Items Off Your Summer Bucket List While Summer’s Still Here
Address: Throughout Montreal
Why You Need To Go: It’s still officially summer! So be sure to get to all of your summer bucket list items while you can.
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Shop At One Of Canada’s Biggest Sidewalk Sales
Price: Free entry
When: September 10 to 12
Address: Rue Sainte-Catherine (pedestrianized between rue de Bleury and rue Chomedey)
Why You Need To Go: Get outside for a well-loved activity: shopping! Sainte-Catherine shopfronts move onto the street to become what’s billed as Canada’s largest sidewalk sale.
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Try The City’s Newest Asian Market In Montreal’s ‘Second Chinatown’
Price: Around $5 to $25 per dish
When: September 10 to 12 (Friday and Saturday from noon to 11 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 6 p.m.)
Address: Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest (between rue Lambert Closse and rue de Bleury)
Why You Need To Go: If you enjoy the Asian night markets in Montreal’s original Chinatown, then you’ll love the city’s newest pan-Asian street food festival, which will take place in the city’s “second Chinatown” in Shaughnessy Village. There’s even going to be a corgi party with 100 corgis.
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In Quebec, a vaccine passport is required to access many businesses and activities deemed non-essential, including restaurants and bars.
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