October 21, 2024


Its My Destination

The Legend Of The Monk And The Merchant – Book Review

By: Terry Felber (2004)

ISBN 978-0-529-12080-9

Book Price: $12.98

Successful Business Man

Over the past twenty-five years, Terry Felber has built a sales organization that numbers 50,000 people. He speaks regularly to business groups of 15,000 people and is the founder of Felber Marketing, Inc. Terry has also been on the international board of advisors for Quixtar.com and is a successful author.

Partnerships for success

In nine chapters Terry Felber unfolds a story to instruct readers in partnerships for success. He covers; the beginning of the story (Ch. 2), discovering our true vocation (Ch. 3), principle 1 – hard work leads to prosperity (Ch. 4), principle 2 – as the soul prospers so does the finances (Ch. 5), and principle 8 – debt free living (Ch. 8).

Principles for success

Terry Felber employs a well written story line to impart ageless wisdom for people skills and success. His tale will engage and inform readers in the process. This excerpt exemplifies his approach; Terry writes, “Julio, your vocation is your calling. It’s the thing that you were born to do. And when you do it, it’s not really work at all.”

In the story, readers will learn along with characters. This mechanism eludes subconscious blockages through realistic and unintimidating words. Mr. Felber shares, “That’s right. That day, God revealed to my father that he was a priest, called to hear from God and to lead others into God’s presence. But God also revealed that Alessio was a king, called to take dominion in the marketplace and provide resources to fulfill the vision of the priests.”

The relationship of the monk and the merchant describes God’s plan for partnership between modern day business people and ministers of the Gospel. Terry expresses, “… my calling was to produce goods and services, and to provide resources to empower the priests to fulfill their vision for the kingdom of God. And I was ready.”

During a number of meetings between “Antonio” and “Alessio” (his mentor), Antonio wrote success secrets in a book, which he later shares with his grandson “Julio”. Felber relays twelve success principles in total, “Principle one: word hard and God will prosper you… Principle two: financial prosperity is connected to soul prosperity… “

Partnership and prosperity

Terry Felber skillfully wraps success principles in an attractive story-line promoting partnership and prosperity.